
Call Talk Vent

Call Talk Vent is specifically designed for those who need to unburden themselves. When you are venting, sometimes all you need is attentive ears to listen. We are here to listen when you’re venting.

Call us today.

We will connect you with an active listener who will listen to your concerns confidentially.

This is your judgment-free zone. The active listeners are not counselors and will not give advice, but they have been trained in active listening. Because we are not counselors, calls are for 7 minutes, and you are welcome to request additional time to extend the call session.

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Compassion and empathy from our active listeners can make a significant difference during one’s struggling times. There is never a right or wrong time to decide to vent, or to consider your own mind, spirit, and body before you consider others. Put yourself, your happiness, and your peace of mind before anyone else or anything
else today. This is your safe venting place. Why not release your stress today?

We are here to listen.

Our Mission

Call Talk Vent has a mission to provide a quick tool for people to decompress themselves of stress and anxiety. That tool is our 24/7/365 open and available call center. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be able to smile. Call Talk Vent wants to bring you back to your happy place where your inner smile projects outwardly.