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Personal Assessment

Call Talk Vent exists to assist you with nagging, persistent or even sudden stress and anxiety that you might be feeling. If you are experiencing feelings that leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, sad, bullied, harassed or even extremely happy, you might want to talk or vent about those feelings. And most of us do not want to always share our feelings with others that might judge us, tell us their opinions, or share what we are saying with others. Sometimes your friends and family just don’t get it. Call Talk Vent is anti-bullying and anti-harassment. We are against workplace bullying and workplace harassment. If you are experiencing any of these feelings, you will want to reach out to us at Call Talk Vent.

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Make the decision to Call Talk and Vent

At Call Talk Vent, you can reach someone 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. We never, ever close. We are always available to listen to you. We want you to feel great. You matter, and you are important to us. You deserve to be happy and stress-free. You will have an anonymous, unbiased, and confidential space to speak freely and uninterrupted for 7 minutes. Why spend hundreds of dollars for a single session with a therapist when you can just vent it out and clear your mind in less than 10 minutes? Simple. And if you want to speak to us longer, you can.

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Contact Call Talk Vent

• Call us now to get back to your Happy Place. Our goal is to restore your internal smile.
• Call us at 1-888-991-8369 to get started. You will have a full 7-minutes to talk or vent.
• Each call is $10.95

"Happiness is not something that is ready-made. It comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama

Join the anonymous call space especially designed for you to talk and vent out your frustrations or inner feelings.
Please see Disclaimer in Privacy Policy


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting unchanged industry.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting unchanged industry.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting unchanged industry.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting unchanged industry.
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Call Talk Vent is specifically designed for those who need to unburden themselves. When you are venting, sometimes all you need is attentive ears to listen. We are here to assist with that need.
Call Talk Vent has a mission to provide a quick tool for people to decompress themselves of stress and anxiety. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to be able to smile. Call Talk Vent wants to bring you back to your happy place where your inner smile projects outward.
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It’s Alright to Reach Out to Talk and Vent. That’s What We’re Here For.

24/7 – 365 Days a Year – We’re Always Listening to You.

$10.95 for 7 minutes

1-888-991-8369 Contact Us

Why Choose Us?

We all have stress and stressors that bother us. There is no need to be distressed, anxious, or moody. Whether you have money problems, work problems, school problems, family problems or health problems – Call Talk Vent is here to LISTEN TO YOU. No judgment.

We know that it is not always easy to talk to the people around us, so we decided to help fill a much needed void for people who need to “VENT” about things that nag at them. We are experienced listeners, and WE HEAR YOU. Call today. 1-888-991-8369.

Find out more

Happiness is not something that is ready-made. It comes from your own actions.

Unburden yourself. You deserve it. Talk to us. We're listening.

Get Started

Our Purpose

We're all human, and we all have ups and downs in the rollercoaster of life.

While therapy is always available, we realize many people don't opt for it due to the high cost and other expensive fees. Sometimes, we just need to vent, or we just need someone to listen to us without comment, without judgment and without feedback. Sometimes, we just want to talk uninterrupted. Unburden yourself from bullying, harassment or sadness of any kind. It's important to unburden yourself every once in a while, to not let unhappiness get the best of you and for that, we're here.

Contact Us